Manage your finances with ease while saving for your future. Enjoy flexible banking options and competitive savings solutions to help you achieve your goals.
Use our selection of personal banking calculators to help determine how you can best maximise your money to achieve your financial goals.
Find the right home loan for your needs.
Saving for your first home can be hard - The Mac Family Pledge Home Loan option gives you the opportunity to use the equity from a loved one’s home rather than saving a full deposit or paying costly Lenders Mortgage Insurance.
Explore a variety of loan options including personal loans, debt consolidation, car loans, and more.
Use our range of calculators to help you assess your borrowing power, repayments, current financial situation and more.
Find answers, manage your account, and get support from our team - online or in-branch.
Help is here. This section provides help if you are stuck or can't find what you are looking for. It also has the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
What are you looking for?
We know running a business can be tough, that is why here at The Mac we are making your business banking simple.
Making business banking easier.
Designed to save time and money for your business.
Save online, wherever you are.
1.50 % p.a. Interest rate